Dear friends of Aukela Unique & Distinguished Scholars
I am writing to introduce you to Aukela Unique & Distinguished Scholars, a nonprofit micro school nestled in the heart of West Park, FL. At Aukela, we are dedicated to providing a unique educational experience to a small number of students, fostering an intimate learning environment where every child is seen, supported, and nurtured.
As a nonprofit microschool, our m1ss1on is to serve low-income students and ensure that every child, regardless of their financial background, has access to a quality education. We believe in providing a holistic experience that goes beyond academics to include high-quality extracurricular activities and essential mental health services.
However, we are currently facing a financial gap that threatens our ability to continue offering these vital resources to our students. We recognize the importance of partnerships in bridging this gap and ensuring that our students have the support they need to thrive.